A different way of arriving at the image is to use the camera controls to create a unique picture. In the case of these shots, I chose to use a slow shutter. This gives an image that can only be made using still photography as the art medium. When the subject is in motion,(the dancers and the Buddhist Monk) you have variables in their movement. Your ability to make the picture is reduced. You now must take pictures while using preexisting circumstances. This is when the digital camera is the best tool. You take a great number of pictures with in the context of the situation and hope some will meet your preconceived idea of how the picture should look. In these situations there are always surprises, and you hope they are positive. The flames are taken with a moving camera during a long exposure. The sunset was from a moving train with a slow shutter. Unlike the still life series, this type of photography requires very little planing and contemplation. These pictures are taken from the environment using some level of skill craft and imagination to arrive at a solution to a visual problem.