Photography, Photo Education, For Teachers and Learners.

More than thirty years of teaching photography and art should have taught me a few things.

A good teacher is also a good student. I may have interesting images and thoughts to share

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Is it it art?

Is it art?

Photography is a means of communication when used by most. The cellphone camera aids us in telling the stories of our lives. it makes every one a photographer. How skillfully you use that camera, and how you weave a visual story is the difference between a visual note taker and a photo journalist. 

Photography becomes art when we use it to express a specific idea, or concept. The use of body language and  or supportive  elements helps us convey that idea. The lion in the box and stop watch, help convey an idea that requires the viewer to interpret the image. It hopefully makes you think. it becomes art when the aesthetics are also a major consideration.

The raw egg and bubble on leaves are art because they are a unique solution to a self imposed visual problem. They are both ordinary objects photographed in an extraordinary way.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Often times its not what the subject is  but how you choose to use it. This was no more than a handful of leaves but it became art because of how it was photographed. Simplicity is the essence of good design. It should go further than design. The leaves have there own intrinsic visual value.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

The Made Image

The made picture often requires contemplation and or planing. A message is often part of the rational for why the image is created. The way of working is additive, only those elements that will help communicate are included.

Most photographs are taken, we take pictures. What ever is there, we record it on film. We do several things to enhance what is there. Camera handling, filters angle of view the time of day and a multitude of other tricks in the photographers repertoire . It all  boils down to what is given to you, and much of it is luck. So is the taken picture any less art than the made picture? I cant answer that question, It may just be how the individual approaches image making. I do both and enjoy both, but for me the made image is always more challenging 

Sunday, July 15, 2018

This is an example of a made picture. There was thought involved in the concept of the picture. The picture could have meanings on more that one level. Execution of the picture was preplanned. Gathering the feathers, background, and lighting
were all considerations. The actual making of the picture took time because of adjustments in lighting, arrangement  and preparation of the props.
When I am out and about with a camera, for the most part I take pictures. What is there I take. I exercise some control in the operation of the camera, cropping and other stuff. I may make choices that others pass up, but essentially I am only recording what is there. I have herd it said that some photographers have a good eye, meaning they see potential for images that most would not. The made picture is one that is most  often a product of the photographers imagination. He or she then works to bring the image to fruition

Looking out of a window and seeing the shadows of two figures sitting, presented a good opportunity to take an interesting picture

I had the opportunity to go to the roof of The Metropolitan Cathedral in Leon Nicaragua with a small group. Others took pictures of the city view. The rooftop and small figure were more interesting to me.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

See The Light

People who take pictures must always learn to see light and work to understand how light can effect the your image. your eye will generaly go to the lightest area of the image. These two pictures were taken at the New York public library within five minutes of each other. Sometimes take a few minutes to wait for people to place them selves in the right place to make the picture work.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Design by elimination

You must look past the obvious to make images of interest. Cropping and removing distractions is a way of creating pictures that move towards the abstrast.

Two bridges, The Broklyn in NY and a bridge under construction crossing the Panama Canal. Both are unique by cropping and eliminating distractions to make them designs.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Art requires work

Art often requires effort not just from the artist but the viewer as well. Participation from those who see the art to interpret meaning helps enrich the experience.

Monday, April 30, 2018

India Travles

The monkey on the wall reminds me of the paintings of Mondrian. Things that you have experienced in your life can impact your new visual truth without you realizing it at your moment exposure.

Traveling gives you to see things with new eyes

Familiarity breeds contempt is so true. When we move to new places we see things that we may have passed in our own environment. Our past experiences can impact our visual decisions.

Always Experimenting

I will always try to explore new avenews. Thats the only way to grow as ann artist regardless of the medium