Photography, Photo Education, For Teachers and Learners.

More than thirty years of teaching photography and art should have taught me a few things.

A good teacher is also a good student. I may have interesting images and thoughts to share

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

But is it Art

Photography is probably the most democratic of art media. Cameras are in so many devices and places. Millions of images are made each day. We have cameras in our phones computers security systems and of course the camera designed just to make images. Digital image making is cheap, and instant, affording everyone the opportunity to make unlimited numbers of pictures. At one time it took a higher level of skill or craft  to make d good quality image, those days are gone. The new cameras remove the brain from the technical part of making a decent quality image. So what makes photography art. My contention is adding the brain, adding the the personal experiences, personality, and unique vision of the artist. learning to bring the contents of your third eye,(imagination) into a physical realm. So is it art. I say yes no matter the complexity or simplicity of the equipment or concept. if it comes from that personal vision, its art. How important is the craft in creating that art? Its important because it allows your visual voice to be expressed in a more eloquent manner.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Stimulating Creativity.

Reducing your options can increase your creative options. When you have too much to chose from your mind becomes overwhelmed. Which way do you turn, what choice  should you make. As a visual artist, when the world is in front of you what should you chose to do. If you are given a stick and told to create art from the stick, it becomes an easier task. For me the first part of the creative process is to limit my parameters, to box myself in.

Working to create only still life photos creates that box. Finding a theme within that box, (my themed photos of bubbles), creates an even smaller box.

So for me the best way to stimulate my creative mind is to narrow my options

I am sure other artist have methods at coming up with creative solutions for there work. I would love to hear from anyone else on the subject of stimulating creativity.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Making Something From Nothing

What could be closer to nothing then a bubble. A little soap and water. I have been exploring ways of taking this most simple thing and finding ways to give it visual substance. That is my personal challenge to my self. Isn't that what art is, to give self imposed problems to visually solve?